Monday, July 30, 2007

Critter Story-Dustin Pruett and Brittany Forell

VanBurch Works His Magic Saving Endangered Species
509 words

Branson, MO- Best known as our local “Prince of Magic,” Kirby VanBurch is more than just a magician performing in Branson. VanBurch has been invited to appear throughout Europe and Asia, and after three royal command performances for the King of Thailand, VanBurch received a personal invitation from the Royal Palace. It was there that the princess of Thailand bestowed the Royal title “Prince of Magic” upon Kirby VanBurch. Since then, he has been entertaining his audience for years with his daily magic show in Branson.

When he’s not showing off his magic, VanBurch shows his compassionate side working with exotic animals in his show. His close work with animals ranging from lions and tigers to chickens and ducks led him to start his humanitarian foundation for animals.

The White Tiger Foundation is a local nonprofit organization created by Kirby VanBurch. The Foundation contributes positively to not only the local community, but reaches to help animals and people worldwide. His original concept was astronomical, and his goals equally idealistic.

First was his educational component developed to create animal awareness and conservation in the community and beyond. Second was to support charities such as the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club, the Tri-Lakes Humane Society, and the local Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, which Kirby explains are near and dear to him personally. He has helped establish Kirby's Young Explorers Club at the Boys and Girls Club. The Young Explorers Club is a project to actively engage children in the exploration of the role we each play in the balance of nature. One of the goals of this project is to educate children about endangered species.

The Foundation is dedicated to providing people from all backgrounds opportunities to improve their lives by helping them build skills, promote leadership skills, and nurture values. The Foundation contributes by raising funds for educational programs and charitable gifts through generous contributions from various companies and individuals.

In addition to helping local charities, Branson's White Tiger Foundation’s core purpose is to promote community and global awareness of the plight of endangered species. Through his efforts and support he has helped the Humane Society in Reeds Springs in incredible ways. VanBurch is the official spokesperson for the "Adopt a Pet" program, a project where a local newspaper publishes a story about an animal up for adoption with a picture of Kirby holding the pet.

VanBurch owns many White Bengal Cubs. During his show, Kirby shows a film of him taking care of his tiger cubs. The video shows Kirby’s compassion and dedication to saving the White Bengal Tiger, as he also introduces the imminent dangers facing natures most wild and beautiful creatures. Kirby hopes to begin a breeding program in Branson, Missouri for the White Bengal Tiger.

Kirby VanBurch continues to impact the Ozarks by providing this foundation which helps inform people about endangered species, and encourages them to join him in their preservation. Kirby’s organization consistently benefits the community, centering in the Ozarks, and continuously reaching out.


At January 9, 2009 at 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tigers are so cute! There are definitely plenty of Branson attractions to see while there!


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