Thursday, July 5, 2007

Joe Daniel_Six Inches of News

Strapped for cash and in mucho debt, this reporter decided to take his chances and sell his body to science for a five day Bio-Kinetic study testing a new type-two diabetes pill simply referred to as “MP-513.” After day three of being cooped up inside, my mind began to wonder if people participate in these studies for similar reasons, and what their opinions of the study were.

Current Bio-Kinetic employee Jacob Brewer explains. “You really see all types of people in these studies. But mostly, there are the poor college students trying to pay for books, or people who are on welfare and are trying to earn some extra cash. It really is a pretty good deal.”

Although five days seems like a while to be cooped up, the study was actually pretty safe. Most medicines tested are within the last few stages before being released into the general public. And other than plotting what I am going to do with the extra cash I receive, I had no adverse side-effects.

In the opinions of many, Bio-Kinetic can serve as a great way to get a hold of some much needed cash, and fast. Even though spending a few days in lock up may not sound like the epitome of a fun summer, the nice little check you receive five business days after the last exam proposes a splendid incentive.


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